Antifascist Demonstration - United Against Fascist Europe

8 juin - 16h00 - Bruxelles

Antifascist Demonstration - United Against Fascist Europe

Antifascist Demonstration - United Against Fascist Europe

Bruxelles | sur

08.06 - 4 P.M

  • This is a call to everyone who would like to unite against fascism. We’d like to invite you for a big antifa demonstration in the heart of Europe ; to create a vibrant, powerful, enraged and joyful antifascist autodefence network. To show our affinities and practice a solidarity that transcends borders and languages. While the European extreme right is winning over parliaments, we will take over the streets of Brussels.

    The demonstration will take place on the 8th of june in Brussels, during the European and local elections. Elections that will normalise and give even more power to the European far-right. Elections we already know the outcome of, since they are the logical result of the capitalist non-democracies we live in.

    We are however convinced that fascist politics are not a mythical event belonging to a historical moment. Fascist politics are already present everywhere. Even when the far-right hasn’t been in power, its political program is felt through cuts on public investments in school and hospitals, police and border violence, state surveillance, repression of social movements, (neo)colonialist exploitation and imperialist wars.

That’s why we believe that the fight against fascism isn’t just about confronting its visible manifestations. It’s also about tackling the underlying and systemic elements that fuel a fascist process, including its ties to state power and capitalist structures. Thus our antifascist struggle should transcend electoral battles, and also aim to fight against reformist political structures. We have to organize, create new friendships, and resist together. We have to all be antifascist.

No antifascism without a global revolution, join us in Brussels on the 8th of June ! 



Saturday 08 June 2024 - 4 P.M
Pl. du Luxembourg - 1050 Ixelles

Voir en ligne : Instagram de l’événement


Antifascist Demonstration - United Against Fascist Europe

 samedi 8 juin 2024  16h00 - 20h00 iCal
 samedi 8 juin 2024
16h00 - 20h00 iCal


Place du Luxembourg


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