TRAINING - NON VIOLENT DIRECT ACTION / Extinction Rebellion Brussels

TRAINING - NON VIOLENT DIRECT ACTION / Extinction Rebellion Brussels

If you want to participate in our civil disobedience actions (with a risk of arrest) it is important that you follow an action training. That’s why on March 1st, Extinction Rebellion will give an Action Training in Brussels ! After participating in this training, you will know how we work and you will be able to decide for yourself whether and how you want to participate.

Bruxelles | sur

During this training you will learn :
🌻Why we do what we do and how we do it ;
🌻How to prepare for an Extinction Rebellion action ;
🌻What non-violence means to you personally, what it is for Extinction Rebellion and what tactics go with it ;
🌻How a simple blockage works and what happens to you ;
🌻How you can take care of yourself and others during an action ;
🌻How an arrest works and what you should and shouldn’t do
🌻What the legal consequences of an action can be.

For whom is this training ?! New rebels that want to participate in upcoming actions like :
💥Let’s Be Fossil Free 2d of March
💥and more !
The training will be in English, with ability to translate into French.
Remember to register to receive the location details :

Anciens évènements

TRAINING - NON VIOLENT DIRECT ACTION / Extinction Rebellion Brussels

 vendredi 1er mars 2024  17h00 - 20h00
 vendredi 1er mars 2024
17h00 - 20h00


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