Antifascist General Assembly Brussels

22 février - 13h00 - Pianofabriek - Saint Gilles

Antifascist General Assembly Brussels

A Popular Response Against the Fascist Government
Pianofabriek - Saint Gilles

Bruxelles | sur

The far right is in power.

The Arizona Accord, a fascist alliance of right-wing and far-right parties, is preparing to impose its power over the next 5 years with anti-immigration laws and austerity measures.

It’s more than imperative that we stand together, which is why we’re announcing the return of anti-fascist Public Assemblies in Brussels !

The aim of these public assemblies is to provide a space for political organization and discussion. So that we can arm ourselves with theoretical and practical tools.

Fascism is an enemy to be destroyed

Anti-fascism is a daily action

Together, let’s organize the counter-attack !


Antifascist General Assembly Brussels

 samedi 22 février 2025  13h00 - 15h00 iCal
 samedi 22 février 2025
13h00 - 15h00 iCal
 Pianofabriek - Saint Gilles,



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