Apero : How could you help Code-Rouge-Rood ?

Apero : How could you help Code-Rouge-Rood ?

Fighting against the fossil industy is something we can’t do alone. There is a need for a lot of activists from different backgrounds or organisations to work together and organise great actions.

Bruxelles | sur

So on 24 september you can spend your lovely sundayafternoon (16-19h) in Brussels to get to know Code Rouge-Rood. ❤
We’ll explain what Code Rouge is, how we organise and how you can contribute via different workinggroups.

To have a succesfull next action we will need new energy, new ideas... and so new people 🙂

There is enough time to talk with different workingroups and connect with other activists and organisations.

Ofcource drinks will be available in the lovely place of Adesif ! (price : givewhatyoucan)

This Apéro will be presented in English (translation possible) but you can express yourself in the language you prefer.

Voir en ligne : Code Rouge (facebook)

Anciens évènements

Apero : How could you help Code-Rouge-Rood ?

 dimanche 24 septembre 2023  16h00 - 19h00
 dimanche 24 septembre 2023
16h00 - 19h00


Rue de Liedekerke 71, 1210 Saint-Josse-ten-Noode


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