Hungry for Freedom since 1948 - Forum for a Free Palestine

Hungry for Freedom since 1948 - Forum for a Free Palestine

Bruxelles | sur

In the time since Omar’s hunger strike began, many activists, students, artists, journalists, scholars, politicians, etc, have come in to contact with him and rallied behind him. However the geopolitical situation remains rather bleak, and so we have decided to hold a forum at the Université Libre de Bruxelles this Tuesday the 27th of February. Our aim is to address the current state of the crisis in Palestine from both local and global perspectives, from the refugee problems that Palestinians face in Brussels, to the BDS movement, to the fascistic language we hear from Israeli politicians and the nightmare of its normalisation in European countries. We will also reflect and speak with Omar about his hunger strike. All who would like to come are kindly invited !

27/02, 18h, ULB Solbosch Campus UD2.218a auditorium

Voir en ligne : Refugees for Dignity

Anciens évènements

Hungry fro Freedom since 1948 - Forum for a Free Palestine

 mardi 27 février 2024  18h00 - 20h00
 mardi 27 février 2024
18h00 - 20h00
 Campus ULB,


ULB Solbosch Campus UD2.218a auditorium, Bruxelles


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