28/02 : No fascism in Leuven !

28/02 : No fascism in Leuven !

Gathering/manifestation against the visit of Dries van Langenhove (ex-Vlaams Belang) to the university of Leuven.

Flandres | sur

the 28th of February, Dries Van Langenhove (ex-Vlaams Belang) is invited to the university of Leuven by the nationalist student group NSV. Dries van Langenhove and NSV not welcome at university of Leuven (KUL) ! The views and statements of Dries van Langenhove, NSV and other far-right organizations are contrary to the diversity and solidarity that makes our city so beautiful. Therefore, we want to react against the growing presence of the far-right and against the normalization of their ideas.
At the same time, we want to show that Leuven is a city with a broad civil society and committed inhabitants who put solidarity first and where people care for each other regardless of gender(identity), origin, income, religion, skin color, nationality, sexual orientation, ... We are proud of our progressive, diverse city, and we want to keep it that way !

We will gather at 19h30 at Martelarenplein in Leuven (in front of the railway station) for a peaceful, connective demonstration.

Sign the petition :

Voir en ligne : Facebook event :

Anciens évènements

No fascism in Leuven !

 mercredi 28 février 2024  19h30 - 22h00
 mercredi 28 février 2024
19h30 - 22h00


Martelarenplein in Leuven


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