Repression and political prisoners in Greece

14 décembre - 19h00 - Sacco et Vanzetti

Repression and political prisoners in Greece

Info event about Repression and political prisoners in Greece
Événement d’information sur la répression et les prisonniers politiques en Grèce

Bruxelles | sur

The Solidarity Fund for Imprisoned and Persecuted Revolutionaries was « born » 14 years ago from within the ranks of the anarchist/anti-authoritarian movement. From then until today the Fund has had an uninterrupted and diverse presence in the history of the movement in Greece. From the open, nationwide assembly of the structure, dozens of comrades have passed through and actively participated, while today the Fund consists of two sub-assemblies, in Athens and Thessaloniki. Throughout these years, the structure of the Fund has provided material support to dozens of political prisoners and persecuted revolutionaries. And it has managed to do this continuously and on a monthly basis. In addition to the financial support to the prisoners, captives of the social/class war, the structure attempts to support politically the comrades who are inside the walls, with events all over Greece, solidarity actions, presence in the adjacent courts.

As a Solidarity Fund we are made of the flesh of the radical movement. The people who participate in its assemblies come from it and act politically within it. The resources of the structure are resources that come from the practical solidarity of our political milieu ( in Greece and abroad) with prisoners. Through our publications, our events of all kinds, we try to raise the necessary funds for the monthly financial support of our incarcerated comrades. At the same time, a significant part of the material support comes from contributions from groups, collectives, individuals within and outside Greece. The structure is, in this way, another link between the movement and political prisoners, one of the « bodies » that the movement itself has created as another constant point of reference for the multifaceted solidarity it has shown towards them over time.


Repression and political prisoners in Greece

 samedi 14 décembre 2024  19h00 - 22h00 iCal
 samedi 14 décembre 2024
19h00 - 22h00 iCal
 Sacco et Vanzetti,


Chausee de Forest 54, 1060, Saint Gilles


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