Kissing Gorbaciov movie screening [Ita/Eng]

30 janvier - 18h30 - Cinema Vendome

Kissing Gorbaciov movie screening [Ita/Eng]

The creators of the movie will be in Brussels to discuss their work during a special screening at Cinema Vendome

Bruxelles | sur | Collectif : Incendiarie

Casi-Uo invites you to the screening of the film ‘Kissing Gorbaciov’ (2023, 97 min, VOSE) by Luigi D’Alife and Andrea Paco Mariani.

In 1988, a historic event took place in Melpignano, a small town in Salento : for the first time, Soviet rock bands performed beyond the Iron Curtain. In March 1989, a number of Italian bands, including CCCP - Fedeli alla linea, also performed in the Soviet Union. This is the incredible story of a tour that built a bridge between two divided worlds, through a universal language that needs no translation : music.

In the presence of authors Luigi D’Alife and Andrea Paco Mariani, ‘Kissing Gorbaciov’ will be the starting point for a conversation on the power of culture and music in overcoming ideological barriers and connecting worlds that seemed irreconcilable. We will explore together the challenges and most intense moments of this extraordinary cultural exchange, questioning the role of culture and its transformative potential even today.

Thursday 30 January 2025 at 18:45
Cinema Vendôme, Chausée de Wavre 18, 1050 Ixelles
Tickets : advance sale 8€, on site 10€
For info and tickets :

The movie is in Italian with English subtitles. The debate will take place in Italian.

Event in collaboration with :
Medeber Teatro
Circolo Arci Bruxelles

Voir en ligne : To learn more about Kissing Gorbaciov


Kissing Gorbaciov movie screening [Ita/Eng]

 jeudi 30 janvier 2025  18h30 - 22h00 iCal
 jeudi 30 janvier 2025
18h30 - 22h00 iCal
 Cinema Vendome,


Chausée de Wavre 18, 1050 Ixelles


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